For Christmas this year, I had an idea to give my parents some family pictures seeing that we hadn't had actual pictures of everyone since I was about 12. So, I mentioned the idea to my mom and the rest is history :) Here are the shots we printed to go on the wall (we had to do the regular nice looking shots first). But, being my family, we had to have some ridiculous ones too :) So, for Christmas, I surprised my parents with all of them in a matching set of frames :) (Which makes a good gift, by the way). Hopefully it isn't another 13 years before we do it again, but man is it difficult to take the pictures you are in.
So, while we were shooting Melissa and Chris' wedding, we discovered the groomsmen were fans of Star Wars (well, at least I can make a reasonable bet that they are. I think the love of Star Wars for men begins in the womb...) So, while taking the slightly more formal shots of the boys together, we decided to have a little fun: It took some experimentation, but hopefully they can be happy with their photos :)
Today was the day for Leslie and David as they got married in the Orlando Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints this morning. After the ceremony, we took pictures on the beautiful grounds. That evening was a reception in their honor at the Melbourne Beach Hilton Hotel. We had lots of fun with the bride and groom and their friends and family. Here are some of our favorite photos from throughout the day:
We were so happy to be present when Chris and Melissa tied the knot last night. Everything was such fun from the limo to the beautiful ceremony at the Melbourne Beach Community Chapel, to the rip-roaring party later that night at the Suntree Country Club. It was a lovely day to celebrate the marriage of two lovely people :)